About Us
European Tactical Realism is a relaxed realism unit based around Arma 3.
We run Weekly Operations (Saturdays 7PM GMT) and host a 24/7 public server running over a dozen of custom-made missions.

A Realism Arma 3 Unit That's Relaxed
We are not a full-on milsim unit, we are pretty relaxed in our Operations
- No - "Yes Sir, No Sir!"
- No specialisations. Choose a different role each Operation - whether you want a command role, to be a pilot or just want to chill out and have fun as a grunt.
- Good banter when shit isn't hitting the fan.
Ask us anything on our Channels!
Public Server
Hop on our 24/7 Public server and take our custom-made missions for a spin.
Best way to get yourself some backup is to organise with people on our teamspeak or discord server.
Work the hearts and minds while dodging RPGs and roadside bombs
Unleash combined arms power in this symmetric warfare mission
Capture an entire map location by location

European Tactical Realism - Public Server
Currently playing: ETR Insurgency Mountains_ACR
0 Players currently active, join now with the Mod Collection!
We run weekly Operations on Saturdays starting at 7PM GMT.
Our Operations are Zeus controlled by one of our members.

Operation Fullback IV - 18/06/2022 - picture by Jasper
Saturday 7PM UK Time
Our Operations run each Saturday starting at 7PM UK Time
Diverse Force Types
Each Operation uses a different force type, meaning a different experience each time
Diverse Era's and Settings
We play Operations in WW2, Cold War and Modern times. But also do some Warhammer, HALO and Stalker just for fun.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Relaxed Realism?
We like to use the term Relaxed Realism over Semi-Milsim, however they are similar
Relaxed Realism means using all basic tactics and formations as they are used in real life.
However not forcing players to one role, and saying yes/no sir!
What force type/country do you play as?
We play as a different force type/country each Operation. This means we get a diversity of equipment and assets.
This will make each Operation a different experience.
What mods do you use?
We mainly use ACE/ACRE, alternatively we also use CUP for our public server and operations.
However Operations can use other mods as well if the creator wants to.
Am I forced to play Operations?
No, if you are unable to play Operations, no worries. We understand that people have a real life as well.
How do I join European Tactical Realism?
You join ETR by going to our Discord.
Once there you go to the #join-etr channel and follow the instructions there.
When you get accepted you will become a Recruit and the Recruitment Process will start.
What is the Recruitment Process?
Once you've been accepted as a Recruit you will be able to join our Operations.
After successfully taking part of some Operations we will make the decision to promote you to member.
As member you are able to create Operations yourself and be able to take special roles on the public server.
Do you allow dual-clanning?
Yes, we allow dual-clanning. However whenever you sign up for one of our Operations we expect you to be there.